Listen To This III | Music

Listen To This is a series where I introduce you to some of my favourite songs at the moment. These are some of the songs that blew my mind, surprised me in some way or are just plainly awesome. I listen to these songs on repeat so often that I wonder how it’s even possible that I’m still not tired of hearing them. As I listen to music every single day and it’s a big part of my life, I feel like it’s important to let other people know some of these songs so they don’t miss out on greatness. This part is almost entirely comprised of winners or contenders of the BBC Sound-poll which was totally accidental and that could indicate that these are awesome artists.
The images contain a link to the corresponding Spotify-page of that song, so you can just go ahead and listen to these right away and I highly encourage you to do so.

A Head Full of Dreams.jpgUp & Up – Coldplay
I’m really liking the new sound of Coldplay. Since their previous album, they’ve gone for a bit of a calmer tone and it’s been working so far. This song is a great example of that new tone.
Though what’s probably the best thing about this song is its videoclip. That clip is done in such a good way with stunning visuals and is very amusing to watch. I also recommend Hymn For The Weekend, their song with Beyoncé, because it’s another great single from their latest album A Head Full of Dreams.

PhaseWeathered – Jack Garratt
One of my friends introduced me to this song and I’m glad that she did. I didn’t know him before that and I must admit that I haven’t listened to any of his other songs, though I should get to that as this song is really great. He apparently won the BBC Sound of 2016, so that should say something, right?
What’s so great about this song is that it starts out slow and builds up momentum towards the middle where it gets more energetic.

Continue reading Listen To This III | Music