Star Wars: the Force Awakens | Movie Review

Star Wars Episode VII

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I know I’m a little late to the The Force Awakens-hype. I’m a little late to the entire Star Wars hype actually. I hadn’t watched any of these movies until a week ago. I thought it was about time to see why everyone was going crazy for this one. So as anyone should do, I did a marathon of all seven movies with my sister and I’m glad I did. I won’t bore you with my thoughts on the original and prequel trilogies, but I do want to share my views on the latest one.

The Force Awakens is a great new entry in the Star Wars-franchise. Abrams did an brilliant job at continuing the look and feel of the older movies. Within the first minute of the movie, you immediately get the sense that it’s a Star Wars movie. I’m also glad that they’ve kept the tradition of the opening crawl at the beginning of these movies, since they give you a bit of needed background information.
I can see how some people feel it resembles the first Star Wars movie a lot, but I feel like that didn’t bother me as much. It has a lot of elements that the original had, but it differentiated enough to be distinguished as a different story.

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